Sunday, September 29, 2013

dance it out

I just bought a bunch of new music thanks to Best Buy who gave me a $50 gift card because I bought my beautiful computer and quickly bought a $50 iTunes gift card. Which I then spent in about 30 minutes right after I bought it. Who knew $50 could go so fast on iTunes? BUT... I bought some awesome music. And as they say on Grey's Anatomy, when life gets tough or confusing, JUST DANCE IT OUT!

True Believers- Darius Rucker
Kiss You- One Direction (I never thought I would buy one of their songs, let alone two.)
Little Things- One Direction
Dead in the Water- Ellie Golding
Young and Beautiful- Lana Del Ray
Monster- Imagine Dragons
The Other Side- Jason Derulo
It Ain't Pretty- Lady Antebellum
See You Tonight- Scotty McCreery
Day That I Die- Zac Brown Band

Sunday, August 11, 2013

sundays and thoughts

Short little post today. I don't have too much to blog about at this precise moment, even though there are quite a few thoughts running through my mind. But it seems like that's all my mind ever does is race and race and then confuse me some more. Anyways, here's a little update on my Book of Mormon challenge- I'm behind. Way behind. So I'm trying to kick myself into gear and get back on track ASAP! How are all of your daily readings going? I may behind, but I'm still enjoying this experience and at least getting some reading in every day because I seem to really struggle with getting my daily scripture reading in. So this is a great challenge! Keyword: challenge.

Today in my ward, we had a musical number where my ward clerk and his daughter performed How Great Thou Art and I couldn't help but get that message out of my mind and this particular version of the beautiful hymn out of my mind.
"Then sings my soul... My God, how great thou art!"

(And I apologize if I've already shared this video. But I honestly can't get enough of it. Ever.)

Today I'm grateful for all of the new friends I made and relationships that I strengthened yesterday at such a wonderful activity with so many great adventures.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013


Tonight, I find myself alone at home for a little while which doesn't happen too often. My home teachers came earlier and shared a message and then left me to my thoughts and a stack of dishes. I normally hate doing dishes, at least the ones that don't go in the dishwasher. But over the last few weeks, I've realized that I find doing dishes a little bit therapeutic.While I was nannying four kids last week, doing the dishes was kind of my break from the kids hanging out upstairs. So now I turn on my music and drown and scrub out my thoughts. After dumping about two bowlfuls down my front, I got in my sweats and am now hanging out, blogging, and listening to my good, old country music while I wait for the others to return home. Don't get me wrong. I would much rather be getting snow cones or something adventurous. But hear I sit. I've had a lot on my mind about boys and what-not (see sidebar) and dishes brought me a little bit of relief from my thoughts as I soaked and scrubbed. Mostly just my clothes, but there were some actual dishes that got clean in the process. Now I just have to keep this from of therapy secret or I'll be the only one doing dishes for the rest of my life. Too bad my mom reads my blog... ;)

I'm grateful for my friends that can tell me anything and that I can tell anything. And can watch the Bachelorette with me.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

the book of mormon challenge

I just followed up on one of my favorite blogs online right now that I've mentioned once before and read that she is doing a yearly book of mormon challenge that I know she's done in years past and is starting it up for August this year. And I am accepting the challenge! Now, honestly, I really am not very good at sticking with challenges because I just can't seem to ever finish or complete them. Don't ask me why. But I've felt lately that I've needed to start reading the Book of Mormon again and this seems like the perfect opportunity, especially right before school starts up again. Plus, I've never read it in this little time. So I'm going to do it!!
The guidelines for this challenge is to read the Book of Mormon in one month or less. So starting August 1st, I will be reading the Book of Mormon. The outlined schedule is 8 chapters a day for 31 days until the month runs out. You can read, listen, whatever! Just do it! Join me, won't you? I want to hear all about your challenge experiences and lessons learned while reading the Book of Mormon in one month and I'll  share mine. Feel free to leave any compliments or experiences RIGHT HERE!!!
Join in!!!
 Explore here for more challenge experiences and explanation on the challenge and past experiences with the challenge. Let's do this!!

I just realized that I forgot to share something I was grateful for in my last post so I'll make up for it today. I think my brain was too full while writing the last post. Today, I am grateful for the many lessons in church today echoing the blessings of having trials in our lives. I'm also grateful for missionary emails.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

rain and goodbyes

Hi friends. I'm back. I know I told you to gear up for an emotional post about a month ago that never came, but I'm sorry I'm finally half way writing it. I'm terrible at sticking to things on my blog. Moving on. Don't judge me or trust me solely on my dedication to my blog. I'm not sure why I haven't written this post. Maybe it's just a little too tough to actually write out the feelings and words that are floating around in my head. Or maybe the rain just wants to bring it out of me a little bit.
Remember my dear friend Jake that I mentioned in the last post who with the baseball tickets? Well, he officially left on his mission to serve the Lord for two years in Spain on June 11. So about a month ago. I won't go into all the details about it and saying goodbye, but he is doing really well. I got a letter back from him on Thursday and it's great to hear about all of his Christ-like service he is involved in a half a world away. Saying goodbye was definitely tough, but the hardest part was after I'd left and was actually that night. I looked up the stars and just started to cry. I'm pretty sure my sister thought I was mental. Jake and I used to look at the stars together and do our own kind of star gazing which ended up in him finding constellations on his phone and trying to show me where they were. Some times worked out better than others... Anyways, that 's the emotional post, just in a nutshell because I don't really want to flesh that all out completely. Saying goodbye for two whole years to one of your best friends is just harder than you would think.

Do you ever have a song that always seems to speak to you, no matter the mood you're in? Here's mine for the past few weeks.

Monday, June 10, 2013

baseballin' nerd

I don't know about you, but I LOVE baseball. Please tell me I'm not alone out here. I always feel like a few of my close friends don't really like baseball, know about baseball, or care about baseball besides my family and my BFF.About a week and a half ago I went to see my first baseball game f the season and it was amazing! My dear friend Jake offered his family's season tickets to the Bees game so Jake, Andrea, her BF Josh, and I went. Let me just tell you I was expecting okay seats and maybe we'd end up sitting on the grass just for fun. Oh no! These tickets were THIRD ROW seats righ next to the visitors team dugout right by home base. The best seats you can possibly have! In my opinion at least. Jake and I bought our mandatory hot dogs and enjoyed an amazing game. Jake was talking about how the Bees are not that great and he's probably never seen a homerun either, when low and behold the Bees hit a grand slam in the third inning leading the Bees right into the win. Thanks to a little help from Andrea crossing her fingers. I'm pretty sure I was the most excited one about going to the game. Just walking into the park made my adrenaline run up a hundred notches. The smell of hot dogs and popcorn and the security people in their tacky orange jackets, which I'm sure cook them alive. I just can't get enough! I love the feel and excitement that you feel at a baseball game!
P.s. I may or may not have flirted with a visiting baseball player. Okay, not really. I only smiled at him and he smiled back. But I'm counting it!


Funny face #1

Funny face #2

No comment on this one...
Today, I'm grateful for the cute little quail baby birds that I watched running around my yard.
P.s. Prepare for a little bit of an emotional blog post tomorrow... Saying goodbye for two years is kind of hard. That's all.

Monday, June 3, 2013

an attitude of gratitude

I've decided that everyday I want to challenge myself to find something to be grateful for. It can be the slightest thing like catching the TRAX train on my way to school, therefore not making me late to class which I hate. President Thomas S. Monson of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints said in General Conference "Our lives are blessed in countless ways. We can lift ourselves and others as well when we refuse to remain in the realm of negative thought and cultivate within our hearts an ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE... President Joseph F. Smith,... provided an answer. Said he: "The grateful man sees so much in the world to be thankful for, and with him the good outweighs the evil. Love overpowers jealousy, and light drives darkness out of his life.'" During the school semesters, some days would become the best days because of the slightest things like running into friends and talking for a few minutes or being able to turn in an assignment that has been causing me great amounts of stress. Since I'm a little quirky, I would then write down all of the things that made my day so wonderful on little sticky notes and keep them in my backpack to read on a really bad day. I now want to extend that idea on to my blog. So now after every post or message I am going to write a little thing I'm grateful for. And I challenge you to do something similar by recognizing things you are grateful for in your day, be it great or small, and writing it down somewhere!

Today I'm grateful for being able to move into my own room and having to clean it. Let me tell you, it's disgusting work!Dust-filled lungs and dust bunnies galore, but I still enjoy it for some reason... I guess it gives me something to do!

Thursday, May 30, 2013

backstreet's back

Remember when boy bands were so cool and amazing in the '90s? And then they're pretty much coming back because of the new kind of boy bands with One Direction and all that crap. Well, let me just say that the classic boy bands from my childhood can never be redone or compare to the new form of fake boy bands. And let me just tell you in case you didn't know, The BACKSTREET BOYS have reunited!!! Yes! All of us '90s kids waiting for this day can continue living and maybe even buy tickets to their tour, whenever that's happening. (I swear I heard that on GMA...)
A few weeks ago I saw them perform on Good Morning America and it took me back to when I was about 5 years old and my sisters and I were dancing in our front room to Backstreet Boys. It's almost the same experience, we're all just a little bit older, including the boys! Flash yourself back a few years...

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

my 19th birthday

Alas, my birthday is coming up once again! (Apparently I like to use collegiate words like alas. Who knew? I think I just use words like that to make myself feel a little bit smart and that I actually do belong in college.) Tomorrow is in fact my birthday! Yay! I actually really do like my birthday a lot for some reason. I like one day where people say hi and wish me happy birthday. Even if it is on Facebook. I still really appreciate the birthday wishes and messages.  And the gifts. They're pretty nice too.

Here's my birthday list for this year. Again, "presents are not required, but are encouraged..."
1. Clothes. Contrary to my family's beliefs, I really don't think I can have enough.
2. The Amazing Spiderman. I'm not sure why I still haven't bought this movie since I LOVE it so much!
3. Wreck-It-Ralph
4. A bulk pack of Sharpies. I have an obsession with school supplies and it's moved to Sharpies too.
5. A gift card to use on my Kindle
6. An LDS romance literature. What can I say? I like a little fluff on the side.
7. Twinkly lights for my bedroom.
8. And according to Josh I want a new puppy.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

hello may, we welcome you with snow

First off, I woke up this morning and looked out my window while I was still laying in bed, and guess what I saw welcoming me to the month of May, one of my favorite months?? A big white filled window. Yes ladies and gentlemen, on the first day of May in good ole bipolar Utah, it snowed. Not just two flakes either. It was supposedly some freak blizzard. I immediately thought I was still dreaming. But nope!
Secondly, I made it through all of my finals, hence the picture up above. I feel free. I don't have to make sure I can fit certain things into my school schedule for a full three months. It's a wonderful feeling really. I was able to spend all of yesterday with my cute Oma while she recovered from her procedure on Monday. We had a big scare, but she's doing okay today. I've watched at least ten episodes of Psych in the last two days. I just can't seem to get enough apparently. And tomorrow brings another lazy day. I'm loving it!
And thirdly, there is officially one week until my 19th birthday. Can't wait, plus I don't have to go to school. I don't know what I will be doing. Probably just sitting at home, but still it's my birthday and I can do whatever I want!

Saturday, April 27, 2013

finals equal brain torture

Finals week... shudders... The end of last week and the beginning of this upcoming week is the terrible, horrid finals week at the University of Utah. You know what that means? Stress flowing out of my ears, a lot of sugar and junkfood (and I mean A LOT. Definitely going to have to work out once I'm finished), a crowded library, and constant procrastination. I'm half way there finals wise, but it seems like it might never actually be summer break. Is that poosible? That maybe the school has just been lying to me this whole time? Nah, probably not. The light's there somewhere at the end of the very dark and curvy tunnel... It's just a long ways down there. Let's hope I can make it through Monday with flying colors, and then it's on to finding a summer job, finally reading the many books I have on my list, catching up on my crafting projects that I've wanted to do for so long, playing outside, and definitely hanging out with friends!
And one of the worst things about having finals week right now is that the weather outside here in Utah is BEAUTIFUL! The sun is shining all day with 75 degree weather. My heaven temperature. And all I get to do is force myself to stay inside and study so I don't fail. Not fair.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

the untitled

I honestly don't know what to title this post, hence the untitled title. Now that I've used forms of title so many times I'm exhausted, let me just vent to you readers a little bit about some of the things that have gotten under my skin for a little bit. Sometimes I feel like my brain is overwhelmed with so many thoughts and worries that it has become a big bowl of soup with millions of alphabet letter noodles floating around in it. (So much so that I just spelled bowl BOUL. Help me.)
If you don't desire to read about my issues under my skin, just read on. Sometimes a girls gotta vent to something that doesn't respond directly, ya know?
Anyways, #1: I'm getting super sick of people sugar coating things. I mean that in the way that if someone doesn't actually want to do something or isn't excited about doing something, then actually tell me. I would much rather have everyone be honest with each other and face reality. Give it to me straight and I won't be offended. People choose to be offended and if I am offended, it's my own darn fault.
#2: I'm tired of feeling second string. Like a third or fourth wheel. Or like I'm a step down from other friends. Does that make sense? Sometimes I wonder if I'm really that good of friends with someone as I might think...
#3: I'm kind of tired of not planning things. I have this weird issue with having to know what's going on ahead of time. I'm okay with hanging out with friends last minute, but it's when people talk about doing something, but no one takes the initiative or forgets to contact you or everyone else so I end up sitting at home reading a book and actually catching up on stuff that I really don't want to do at the moment. If no one else is going to take charge and make decisions, then I will!
Sorry for boring you with a venting sesh, but sometimes I really need to get a few things off my chest. I appreciate your willingness to listen. ;) Or read rather.

P.s. for those of you really following my blog, I have found plenty of time to paint my nails. Multiple times actually. I think I'm finally physically put back together. Mentally and emotionally, it depends on the day.

P.p.s. Less than a month until my birthday! "Presents are not required, but encouraged..." ;)

Thursday, April 11, 2013


Well, I survived! I'm sure you were all holding on and sitting on the edge of your seat. Yeah, right. You have a life. But I did survive that monster of a research paper. 14 pages later and 10 sources about Chinese Americans and it is turned in to my professor. Now let's hope I get a good grade! Fingers crossed. But like I said, listening to Imagine Dragon helped me out a bit (along with surprise phone calls that put a huge smile on my face). Nothing puts me in a good mood like some great music!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

buckling up

I'm preparing for the next few days being filled with writing an awful, treacherous, close to 10 page paper on Chinese Americans. Can you say torture? And it's a research paper so it has to include a whole load of sources. I'm definitely buckling my seatbelt so I make it through this week alive without biting off too many people's heads. Wish me luck... I think I'm going to need it. But maybe listening to Imagine Dragons will help me through it a little easier! We'll see. I'll keep you posted.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

spreading the word and gospel

This weekend is General Conference and I love taking advantage of hearing the prophet and his counselor's voices bear their testimonies and constantly strengthening mine. I always seem to have some prayer answered by the leaders of the church. Their messages are constantly helping me to get through struggles in my life and throughout problems and questions that I am facing.

But this morning during conference I was so astounded by the number of missionaries serving  missions, shared by President Monson. I realized that so many of those missionaries serving and will be serving are so many of my dear friends! I am so proud of the friends that I have and their dedication to serve the lord and spread his gospel throughout so many places in the world, including Mexico City, Spain, Ukraine, Phillipines, Uganda, New York, Kentucky, Canada, California, Missouri, Minnesota and so many more. I am so amazed by the power of two people's testimonies working together to help more people come unto Christ. I feel so blessed to have the friends I have been given throughout my life!
Spencer's farewell. He is now serving in Mexico City.

Austin is now serving in Canada. Cassie will soon be serving in Baton Rouge.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

wedding bells

I promised a few posts back that I would put up photos and stuff about my sister, Maggie, and brother-in-law's wedding, so here's the video for you to watch.

It was such a beautifully wonderful day!
P.s. The videographer did a great job, don't ya think?

my sincerest compliments

The root of this post is a text-versation I had with a friend yesterday. I told him I got my test back in a class and asked what I got. I told him my score (which I am proud of, but not in a prideful sort of way) and that I was satisfied with it. And he wrote back "What!? That's amazing! Well done!! :)" One of my nightmares... (Just kidding, It's not that extreme. I feel like exaggerating today apparently.) I've always had a little problem when people compliment or congratulate me on certain things. Only some things. If you're complimenting me on my clothes, hair, or teeth (which I never get complimented on and I'm just fine with that! Compliments on my teeth seem a little weird. Thanks... I grow them myself??) then I'm fine with saying thank you, you're sweet. But what about when someone congratulates you on a good test score or grade? What do you say back?? I know you should say thank you, but I feel the worst when someone else gets a worse grade than you by at least a couple of
letter grades but still congratulates you. I think the root of my problem is ever since elementary school I've felt like I've been compared to everyone else by test scores and I hate to compare myself with others. So next time someone congratulates me on a higher test score or grade, what should I say?? I think I'm over analyzing now...moving on.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

be still

For whatever reason, today in church this thought and hymn have kept coming to mind. So I thought I would share it and maybe it will touch you on this Sabbath day as much as it has touched me.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

knowing who i am

One of my favorite bloggers the other day wrote an astounding and poetic blogpost about if her readers really know who she is and what she stands for. I was so moved by what she had to say and how proud she was to be saying it. I've done a "things you don't know about me post" but I felt like i wanted to write something more. Because of her post I wanted to do something similar and declare my statement to the world.
This is who I am:
I am a daughter of my Heavenly Father who loves me and I love him. I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I know it, I live it, I love it. I am grateful for my Heavenly Father and his son, Jesus Christ, who strengthen me to make it through my struggles and self doubts. I do everything through him who strengthens me. I'm grateful for the knowledge that I have of eternal families and that I will be with my entire family again and for eternity. I know that one day I will meet the man of my dreams and will be able to be sealed to him for time and all eternity in the temple.
I know that I am an individual and unique. I know that I can stand on my own two feet and stand up for myself. I do not need anyone to prove to myself that I am beautiful. I am strong and have been given many purposes on this earth. I may not know what all of those purposes are right now, but I know that I am here for a reason, whatever they might be.
I believe in destiny. Not in a cheesy kind of way. I believe that every person is put in our path to strengthen us or test us. People come into our lives for whatever reason and we are meant to teach each other.
I'm sometimes crazy. And sometimes too quiet. I sometimes stay too far in my shell, but I'm okay with that. I am sometimes deep in my shell when I'm at school and at work. I have a lot of thoughts running through my mind and would rather stay focused. Other times I can be a little crazy and eccentric. There are different sides to my personality and can be more cautious of opening myself up.
I am a sister and I love my family and sisters with all my heart. I could never be who I am if it wasn't for my sisters and their strength which strengthens me.
But most of all, I accept and love who I am! "I am titanium!"

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

kids say the darnedest things, like werewolves

If you haven't seen this commercial, I don't know how you've made it through your day without literally losing your mind. Everytime I start to feel stressed (which is a lot of the time!!) I just remember this commercial and quote it to myself because I've seen it so many times. Prepare to laugh hysterically... 3...2...1...
P.s. did you see the kids face sitting next to her? If not, please watch it again, at your own risk of dying from laughing so hard!


(Again, written a few weeks ago, I just never had time to post it.)

As previously mentioned, Jenny and I were home alone on Saturday while Josh and Maggie were on their way to San Francisco for their honeymoon and Carrie was with her Prom date. So Jenny decided that the two of us just keep getting MORE AWESOME!! Who needs adventure and fun when we
just keep getting more awesome sitting on the couch!?;)

(Just kidding. Adventure and dates are still wonderful and fully accepted...)

sounds like that will work...

Sunday, March 17, 2013

small shops, big prizes

Jenny and I decided that while my parents were on their way home from Logan with all the wedding stuff, while Maggie and Josh were on their honeymoon, and Carrie was on her prom day date, instead of sitting at home and watching Downton Abbey like we usually find ourselves doing at home alone we decided to go to a fun store named Hip & Humble here in Sandy and sepnd the rest of my gift card before it expired. We found some fun, quaint stores here in little old Sandy. Who knew you
didnt have to go to San Fran or out of state to find cute stores? We came away with some fun finds!
We found:
  • Wonderful hand creme from Hip & Humble
  • People water!!??? It actually does exist. I had to buy it just because of Jeff with one f.
  • And a yummy panini from a cute, old, Brazilian man who could hardly speak English. Who needs dates or honeymoons when there are cute stores to explore!!!???

trying to catch up

(Written from a few weeks ago. I just haven't had time to grab the computer and transfer it over to my blog.)

Man, life can get so crazy before the blink of an eye. My life for the past few weeks has been so crazy that I havent even had time to remove the nail polish from all of my fingernails. Forget putting new polish on! I can't even seem to find enough time to get my nail polish off! I'm currently typing with 4 out of 5 fingernails without nail polish. The rest of my nails are covered in chipped, faded, and
striped nail polish. And it always seems that my blog falls to the bottom of my long to-do list.

A few of the crazy events since my last post include an awful virus leaving me immobile for 3 days. A couple of hefty midterms and papers. Full-time school. The job hunt. Applying to scholarships and the LEAP program. And many more that i jsut can't seem to remember. But most of
all... (drumroll please).... MY DEAR SISTER GOT MARRIED TO HER WONDERFUL (now) HUSBAND!!!! They're currently visiting San Fran and I am soooo jealous of them! And I'm
pretty sure I've told them numerous times just how jealous I am. (If you don't know, San Francisco is my favorite city quite possibly in the world. (One day I will live there for some period of time.)
They were married for time and all eternitylast on Thursday in the Salt Lake Temple. All of last week was immersed in wedding planning and stress. Including wrapping 600 cake pops. (Let me tell you, they taste delicious! But wrapping them is not a piece of cake.;) I hope you caught that pun because I thought it was hilarious! Sister Hortin joke!!!) My entire house was covered in peach and navy everything! With some cardboard boxes mixed in. We made it through though with
only a few MAJOR bumps and bruises. Including sewing one of the bridesmaids into her dress and fixing the bride's hair in less than 15 minutes. More photos will follow all about the wedding. At least I'll try. We've seen how well that worked out before. But hopefully I can kind of work my way back into a routine of school and work and volunteering and the job hunt and getting my homework
done and church and writing papers and working out and best friends and blogging and most importantly painting my nails. Yeah right... There's no way I can fit all of that into a normal routine. Wish me luck. I'll try to bump up the blog a little closer to the top of my to-do list so you don't feel neglected! (Keyword: TRY)

Thursday, February 7, 2013

speaking the truth

It's great to think that when you're having a terrible day, Britney had it much worse. Plus this picture is just SO darn hilarious!!! It makes you laugh a little bit too.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

when the devil's on your back, shake him off

Today has been a rough day on me. It's just been one of those days where everything seems to beating against me and I just can't catch a break. Sometimes I just have days where I tend to doubt myself and can't get out of the rut, no matter how hard I try. But one song that has the perfect message for today comes to mind. Good ol' Florence and "her" machine tend to speak the truth on days like this.

"Shake It Out"
  Regrets collect like old friends

Here to relive your darkest moments
I can see no way, I can see no way
And all of the ghouls come out to play

And every demon wants his pound of flesh
But I like to keep some things to myself
I like to keep my issues drawn
It's always darkest before the dawn

And I've been a fool and I've been blind
I can never leave the past behind
I can see no way, I can see no way
I'm always dragging that horse around

Our love is questioned, such a mournful sound
Tonight I'm gonna bury that horse in the ground
So I like to keep my issues drawn
But it's always darkest before the dawn

Shake it out, shake it out, shake it out, shake it out, ooh whoa
Shake it out, shake it out, shake it out, shake it out, ooh whoa
And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back
So shake him off, oh whoa

And I am done with my graceless heart
So tonight I'm gonna cut it out and then restart
'Cause I like to keep my issues drawn
It's always darkest before the dawn

Shake it out, shake it out, shake it out, shake it out, ooh whoa
Shake it out, shake it out, shake it out, shake it out, ooh whoa
And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back
So shake him off, oh whoa

And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back
And given half the chance would I take any of it back
It's a fine romance but it's left me so undone
It's always darkest before the dawn

Oh whoa, oh whoa...

And I'm *darned if I do and I'm *darned if I don't
So here's to drinks in the dark at the end of my road
And I'm ready to suffer and I'm ready to hope
It's a shot in the dark aimed right at my throat
'Cause looking for heaven, found the devil in me
Looking for heaven, found the devil in me
Well what the *heck I'm gonna let it happen to me, yeah

Shake it out, shake it out, shake it out, shake it out, ooh whoa
Shake it out, shake it out, shake it out, shake it out, ooh whoa
And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back
So shake him off, oh whoa

Shake it out, shake it out, shake it out, shake it out, ooh whoa
Shake it out, shake it out, shake it out, shake it out, ooh whoa
And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back
So shake him off, oh whoa
*edited a little bit by me.:)

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

the bachelor girl

As mentioned in my earlier post a few days ago, I've recently become addicted to The Bachelor. Don't judge too quickly! Have you ever watched it? It is so addicting. All of the drama and everything really sucks you in because you really want him/her to end up with your favorite "contestant", I guess. I haven't quite solved the conundrum of the addicting Bachelor/Bachelorette. But all I know is that it is so entertaining to laugh at some of these girls. And yell at them at the same time. One of my favorite blogs gives a weekly commentary after Monday night's episode and it is HILARIOUS! So if you want some extra-ly awesome commentary, check out But for now, here's a little bit of commentary from yours truly on this weeks episode of the Bachelor.
1. An underwear shot? Really? Don't get me wrong, he's got a nice bod, but REALLY? Leave a little to the imagination.
2. Rock climbing. What a thrill.
3. Or terrifying.
4. Geez. Showing off the ta-tas much?
5. Rock climbing in a push-up bra and low tank. Living on the edge. (HA! Literally and figuratively...)
6. The Iraqi hates the desert and the sun? Last I checked Iraq was in the desert.
7. She has a scary smile. Please go away!
8. She is a world class BRAT!!
9. High school drama that YOU are the one creating?
10. What a liar and manipulative girl.
11. Go home!
12. You're really going to fall for the desperate girl and give HER a rose? What are you thinking? I should take over his job of picking who gets a rose.
13. Wedding dress girl needs to go home. I think.
14. Teeny Bikini.
15. She looks like a flapper from the 20s. With terrible, terrible lip stick. Not an awesome look with the ratty hair.
16. YES!!! The girl that I don't like is going home!! Yay. Scary smile, fake girl is headed home.
17. Now Tierra needs to go home. Sean, please see through the fake mask and send her home next week!
18. And REALLY? Hypothermia next week? Karma will get you every time.
19. And P.S. don't run into freezing cold water in a tiny bathing suit and stay in the water for a long period of time. It's kind of common sense.

Monday, January 28, 2013

if only...

It could change so many things in our friendship...

welcome to utah

You definitely know that you live in Utah and attend the University of Utah when it snows an entire foot and a half or more nonstop all over campus in twelve hours and the administration STILL doesn't cancel classes. Westminster college cancelled classes the morning of the snowstorm and they're not even as high in elevation as the U. Plus the U is completely built on a hill. Somehow this seems like a stupid idea NOT to cancel class until 1:00 pm when anyone that needed to be on campus was already stuck up there, freezing and soaked in gross slush/salt water. We really appreciated it.

Anyways, that snowstorm really did add up to one of the best days of my college life, but it definitely made me think of this clip from one of my very favorite tv shows, Gilmore Girls. Enjoy!

dear followers...

dear followers (whoever you are),
Please forgive me for my shortcomings here on my blog. I always seem to go through the same cycle with taking care of my blog where I blog about six times in a row and then fall behind for at least a month. Again, my sincerest apologies. But here I am, always returning to my blog. Give me a little credit for that... Please??

First of all, I am trying to work on some New Year's resolutions which I pplan on posting very soon. So stay tuned. Secondly, I have recently become extremely addicted to some wonderful forms of entertainment known as Downton Abbey and The Bachelor, which I will also be blogging about shortly. And when I say recently, I mean the last week. I have watched almost every episode of Downton Abbey in the last week and a half. This OBSESSION is quickly becoming extreme. So please stay tuned for (hopefully) some fun blog posts.
