Tuesday, July 30, 2013


Tonight, I find myself alone at home for a little while which doesn't happen too often. My home teachers came earlier and shared a message and then left me to my thoughts and a stack of dishes. I normally hate doing dishes, at least the ones that don't go in the dishwasher. But over the last few weeks, I've realized that I find doing dishes a little bit therapeutic.While I was nannying four kids last week, doing the dishes was kind of my break from the kids hanging out upstairs. So now I turn on my music and drown and scrub out my thoughts. After dumping about two bowlfuls down my front, I got in my sweats and am now hanging out, blogging, and listening to my good, old country music while I wait for the others to return home. Don't get me wrong. I would much rather be getting snow cones or something adventurous. But hear I sit. I've had a lot on my mind about boys and what-not (see sidebar) and dishes brought me a little bit of relief from my thoughts as I soaked and scrubbed. Mostly just my clothes, but there were some actual dishes that got clean in the process. Now I just have to keep this from of therapy secret or I'll be the only one doing dishes for the rest of my life. Too bad my mom reads my blog... ;)

I'm grateful for my friends that can tell me anything and that I can tell anything. And can watch the Bachelorette with me.

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