Sunday, July 28, 2013

the book of mormon challenge

I just followed up on one of my favorite blogs online right now that I've mentioned once before and read that she is doing a yearly book of mormon challenge that I know she's done in years past and is starting it up for August this year. And I am accepting the challenge! Now, honestly, I really am not very good at sticking with challenges because I just can't seem to ever finish or complete them. Don't ask me why. But I've felt lately that I've needed to start reading the Book of Mormon again and this seems like the perfect opportunity, especially right before school starts up again. Plus, I've never read it in this little time. So I'm going to do it!!
The guidelines for this challenge is to read the Book of Mormon in one month or less. So starting August 1st, I will be reading the Book of Mormon. The outlined schedule is 8 chapters a day for 31 days until the month runs out. You can read, listen, whatever! Just do it! Join me, won't you? I want to hear all about your challenge experiences and lessons learned while reading the Book of Mormon in one month and I'll  share mine. Feel free to leave any compliments or experiences RIGHT HERE!!!
Join in!!!
 Explore here for more challenge experiences and explanation on the challenge and past experiences with the challenge. Let's do this!!

I just realized that I forgot to share something I was grateful for in my last post so I'll make up for it today. I think my brain was too full while writing the last post. Today, I am grateful for the many lessons in church today echoing the blessings of having trials in our lives. I'm also grateful for missionary emails.

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