Friday, November 11, 2011

Everything I need to know I learned in the first grade!

This speaks the truth!

My B days usually aren't too horrible, but on those few instances going to the elementary school and working with Miss L's  class makes the day immensely better. I love the look on all of the kids faces when I walk in the door and they all wave and say hi to me as I sit at my back table and get situated. I usually help the kids in small groups during "The Daily Five" or do some other projects to keep me busy. 

But one of the major highlights of this week was when i got to play with Go Fish with the kids. But it wasn't any stereotypical Go Fish. In this game, you had to ask for the match with the added or absent silent E. 

We had such a fun time playing our game together (even if some of the kids were completely lost and confused). The kids loved to just watch us play while they were supposed to be reading silently. (keyword: supposed to). 

Wednesday was such a fun day! We had a blast. but on of the major highlights that made my day was when Chevy (the boy in the hat) decided to create his own rendition of the hit song "Party Rock Anthem". I know you've all heard it. His version could make millions, I'm pretty sure. Chevy sings "Go fish is in the house tonight!!!" Hahaha! It cracked me up. Who knew that first graders even knew that song?? Not me!

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