Friday, October 12, 2012

dear rothko, (color my friday #5)

Hello friends! It's been a few days since I last posted. More like a couple of weeks. Midterms, papers, football games, Redfest, homework and more homework has absorbed my free time that I use to update my blog.

Today's post is a color my friday. Sadly, it's the last day of fall break so that's a bit of a downfall to today's friday, but all good things must come to an end. Or so they say (whoever "they" are).
One of my favorite artists is Mark Rothko. And of course he's a modern artist. (I mentioned him and my love for modern art earlier in my very first color my friday post here.) Rothko's paintings are built strictly on color and the relationships between different colors and the emotions connected to the color. A lot of people overlook his artwork because they only see it as blocks of color that a first grader could paint and they don't understand the emotion behind it.

Here's a little explanation from about Rothko's artwork:

"Visual elements such as luminosity, darkness, broad space, and the contrast of colors have been linked, by the artist himself as well as other commentators, to profound themes such as tragedy, ecstasy, and the sublime. Rothko, however, generally avoided explaining the content of his work, believing that the abstract image could directly represent the fundamental nature of "human drama."


Rothko believed that every single color contained some sort of emotion and he used the paint to explore different relationships with the color's emotions. His paintings usually expressed the tragedy of human existance while using chromatic abstraction.
I put together some of his pieces of art for you to look at (thanks to google) and experience a little bit of his emotion. Plus imagine them in their actual size, enveloping almost an entire wall. Have fun!


P.S. Look forward to our 30 in 30 that all of the Hortin sisters will be participating in starting Monday! It's going to be fun!
 (P.P.S. 30 in 30 is when you pick 30 pieces of clothing to wear for 30 days. You can only wear those thirty pieces so you get to mix and match to make different combos.)

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