Friday, October 26, 2012

rothko, we meet again (color me friday #6)

I previously mentioned my deep love for Rothko and his paintings in my last "color me friday" here. During the spring of this year, my sisters, Jenny and Maggie, and I went to San Fransisco with my Art History class and they came along as chaperones.

While we were in San Fransisco, we visited the Museum of Modern Art (my favorite art museum of the entire weekend. Surprised? Because you really shouldn't be) and I was able to see my first Rothko painting. You'd better believe I sat and stood there for at least ten minutes staring and pondering. Plus there was a bench in front of it that we could sit on. Our feet were about to die by the last day. But let's just say, we were the last people from our group of Art Historians to leave MOMA. We stayed even later than Ms. Hughes! If that doesn't tell you how much I love modern art, I don't know what does. :)

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