Wednesday, May 1, 2013

hello may, we welcome you with snow

First off, I woke up this morning and looked out my window while I was still laying in bed, and guess what I saw welcoming me to the month of May, one of my favorite months?? A big white filled window. Yes ladies and gentlemen, on the first day of May in good ole bipolar Utah, it snowed. Not just two flakes either. It was supposedly some freak blizzard. I immediately thought I was still dreaming. But nope!
Secondly, I made it through all of my finals, hence the picture up above. I feel free. I don't have to make sure I can fit certain things into my school schedule for a full three months. It's a wonderful feeling really. I was able to spend all of yesterday with my cute Oma while she recovered from her procedure on Monday. We had a big scare, but she's doing okay today. I've watched at least ten episodes of Psych in the last two days. I just can't seem to get enough apparently. And tomorrow brings another lazy day. I'm loving it!
And thirdly, there is officially one week until my 19th birthday. Can't wait, plus I don't have to go to school. I don't know what I will be doing. Probably just sitting at home, but still it's my birthday and I can do whatever I want!

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