Sunday, March 17, 2013

trying to catch up

(Written from a few weeks ago. I just haven't had time to grab the computer and transfer it over to my blog.)

Man, life can get so crazy before the blink of an eye. My life for the past few weeks has been so crazy that I havent even had time to remove the nail polish from all of my fingernails. Forget putting new polish on! I can't even seem to find enough time to get my nail polish off! I'm currently typing with 4 out of 5 fingernails without nail polish. The rest of my nails are covered in chipped, faded, and
striped nail polish. And it always seems that my blog falls to the bottom of my long to-do list.

A few of the crazy events since my last post include an awful virus leaving me immobile for 3 days. A couple of hefty midterms and papers. Full-time school. The job hunt. Applying to scholarships and the LEAP program. And many more that i jsut can't seem to remember. But most of
all... (drumroll please).... MY DEAR SISTER GOT MARRIED TO HER WONDERFUL (now) HUSBAND!!!! They're currently visiting San Fran and I am soooo jealous of them! And I'm
pretty sure I've told them numerous times just how jealous I am. (If you don't know, San Francisco is my favorite city quite possibly in the world. (One day I will live there for some period of time.)
They were married for time and all eternitylast on Thursday in the Salt Lake Temple. All of last week was immersed in wedding planning and stress. Including wrapping 600 cake pops. (Let me tell you, they taste delicious! But wrapping them is not a piece of cake.;) I hope you caught that pun because I thought it was hilarious! Sister Hortin joke!!!) My entire house was covered in peach and navy everything! With some cardboard boxes mixed in. We made it through though with
only a few MAJOR bumps and bruises. Including sewing one of the bridesmaids into her dress and fixing the bride's hair in less than 15 minutes. More photos will follow all about the wedding. At least I'll try. We've seen how well that worked out before. But hopefully I can kind of work my way back into a routine of school and work and volunteering and the job hunt and getting my homework
done and church and writing papers and working out and best friends and blogging and most importantly painting my nails. Yeah right... There's no way I can fit all of that into a normal routine. Wish me luck. I'll try to bump up the blog a little closer to the top of my to-do list so you don't feel neglected! (Keyword: TRY)

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