Thursday, December 20, 2012

the seventh day of christmas

On the seventh day of Christmas, my non-existant true love gave to me...

A video of my favorite man singing my favorite song from the Forgotten Carols.

the eighth day of christmas

On the eighth day of Christmas, my non-existant true love gave to me...

Tickets to the Forgotten Carols with my dear sister. Well, technically we bought each of our tickets, but at least we got to go.

the ninth day of christmas

On the ninth day of Christmas, YouTube gave to me...

A flashback to my past while watching a Charlie Brown Christmas. There actually is a little bit of a story that goes along with it. My mom ordered a supposedly two foot tree from Amazon. once she opened the package and assembled the appropriate pieces, she found out it was not  a two foot tree, but rather a three foot spindly little tree, just like on a Charlie Brown Christmas.

the tenth day of christmas

On the tenth day of Christmas my non-existant true love gave to me...

A couple of really funny Christmas related jokes. (Doesn't quite fit the tune, but be creative.)

the eleventh day of christmas

On the eleventh day of Christmas my non-existant true love gave to me...

A wonderful version of O Come, O Come Emmanuel by Katherine Jenkins!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

12 days until christmas

Hello friends! I'm really struggling at keeping up on my blogging. My apologies... but finals are over and I survived my first semester in college with only minor bumps and bruises and here I am finally blogging.
Christmas is right around the corner and I wanted to do something fun to celebrate the holiday on my blog. So I decided that I'm going to count down the days to the wonderful holiday by posting something christmas, winter, or holiday related. But I obviously have a couple of days to catch up on, so here it goes. So yes, I;m aware that there are less than 12 days until Christmas, but the beginning is a very good place to start. (Kudos if you caught the movie quote.)

Honestly, it's probably true though.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

more wishes and a little humor

Hello friends!! It's been a very long time since I've blogged. Longer than it should have been. My sincerist apologies. I've been going slightly crazy with all of the school work (welcome to college), serving at The Road Home, and work. So blogging has kind of been put on the back burner for a little while. But right now I am sitting in the Institute procrastinating my awful LEAP rough draft and writing on my blog. You might think this post is a little repetitive because I mentioning more things that I would LOVE to purchase, but can't really because college costs money. Go figure. Plus it's easy and quick to blog about so I'm not wasting too much time. So here goes my list of things I wish I could buy:

Don't these pants look ridiculously comfortable? They're like sweats, but are still flattering.

A few weeks ago, before Halloween, Jenny, Jourdyn, Carrie, and I went to Gardner Village for Witches Night Out where they have the cutest purse store ever! And Jourdyn bought this super cute, huge purse and now I really want to buy a new purse. I guess I have to save $40 first. Even if Carrie says I have way too many purses already. 
In case you didn't know, Utah is very cold in the winter and walking around campus becomes very chilly. So I've been loving the look of hats. Especially slouchy ones that cover my ears. I have not always been a fan of them, but that's slowly changing.

I really need some new brown boots ever since my flippy, fringe brown boots bit the dust. They are now unwearable. They have huge holes in the souls. So I'm in the market for new boots and these are ADORABLE!

And now for a little humor, here you go:

I'm sure you have felt this way many times (at least if you're a girl). I'm going through this exact same thing right now and I could not help but burst out into a load of laughter.

Pretty much. Gives me a little more hope. Hahaha!!!!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

happy halloween

It's been a long, frustrating evening, but the one thing getting me through is that tomorrow is my very favorite holiday. HALLOWEEN!! As a little pre-celebration for Halloween, I found a couple of my favorite clips from my favorite mandatory Halloween movie. Enjoy!

'Tis Firm!

Calming circle

Get ready everyone. Pull out those classic Halloween costumes, like those great witch and zombie costumes and eat all the candy you want because the moon is almost full and it's almost All hallow's Eve! Sleep tight! And may the Sanderson Sisters stay dead for another year.

Friday, October 26, 2012

rothko, we meet again (color me friday #6)

I previously mentioned my deep love for Rothko and his paintings in my last "color me friday" here. During the spring of this year, my sisters, Jenny and Maggie, and I went to San Fransisco with my Art History class and they came along as chaperones.

While we were in San Fransisco, we visited the Museum of Modern Art (my favorite art museum of the entire weekend. Surprised? Because you really shouldn't be) and I was able to see my first Rothko painting. You'd better believe I sat and stood there for at least ten minutes staring and pondering. Plus there was a bench in front of it that we could sit on. Our feet were about to die by the last day. But let's just say, we were the last people from our group of Art Historians to leave MOMA. We stayed even later than Ms. Hughes! If that doesn't tell you how much I love modern art, I don't know what does. :)

Thursday, October 25, 2012


In case you didn't know, I am a BIG Dancing With The Stars fan. Huge. Here were my two favorite dances from this week that I just HAD to share with you. And it might help that I am in love with Gilles Marini and a little in love with Derek, even if he does have a big head.

Look at that attractive man in his suspenders. Mmm....

I really liked when Derek fell into the fog. It was a little cliche, but still really creative.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

i wish

Winter has begun to threaten us here in Utah and I've fallen behind on my 30 in 30 posting (surprised? At least I've posted more than my sisters. ;) Love you!) and I have a limited of time to post because I actually do need sleep. Looking on Pinterest, I uncovered some really cute items of clothing that I've added to my wish list. I probably won't ever get them, but I can hope.

Hunter Wellies!
Any of these would be so nice for the wet weather.
not a morning person
Nothing explains my personality in the morning any better

cutest gloves i've ever seen
Cutest gloves ever!! They would be so perfect for winter.

Stay warm out there!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

30 in 30, day one, two, and three

Start your engines!!! As I previously mentioned on Friday, the Hortin sister have started our 30 in 30!! Here comes a challenge! For four women, it is very difficult to limit your entire closet to only 30 pieces of clothing. But alas, we did it. 30 in 30, I believe, was an original idea from Check out her website on the left hand side of the page, keep scrolling down.
Last week, the Hortin sisters all figured out what our rules would be. We started out a little bit easier. Maybe next time we'll make it really difficult. And here are the rules:
  • Saturdays don't count, unless you leave the house.
  • Accessories are freebies, except for shoes.
  • Undershirts don't count.
  • Outerwear doesn't count.
  • We have to blog our beginning stash and what articles we chose.
  • Blog each outfit. Even if it's only every couple of days. We do have lives People!:)

Day one: I actually forgot to take a picture, but it was nothing special. My go to Monday outfit- a t-shirt and jeans.

Day two: Just another day at school, but I didn't have to go to work so I didn't have to wear a skirt or change into a skirt. But I also had to be able to run and play with a bunch of little kids because I served at The Road Home yesterday in the playroom.

(Sorry, the stupid picture won't flip right side up. So you'll have to crane your neck a bit. It's just artsy.:) )
Sweater: Forever 21
Jeans: H&M
Necklace: birthday
Day three: Today I did go to work so a skirt was required in some way. I mixed a little bit of brown and black. What do you think? Did it work out alright? I wasn't totally sure if the shape of the outfit worked out okay. Is it a keeper? (P.s. Check out the new haircut!!! It's curly today so you can't see the style very much, but stay tuned.)

Skirt and Jacket: from Ellen
Shoes: Who knows? I've had them for a long time.
Striped shirt: H&M
Belt: DownEast
Necklace: DownEast
Bracelet: By me
Day four coming soon! Along with a picture of my beginning stash. The stash isn't totally set in stone yet.

overplayed (music junkie #4)

I just recently bought this new overplayed Taylor Swift song. Yes, I know it is so overplayed you want to shoot every radio in a 1 mile radius whenever you here it, BUT yet again Taylor Swift has written a song that I can definietly relate to. So feel free to listen or, if you so wish, pull out your toy pistols and have at it.


Friday, October 12, 2012

dear rothko, (color my friday #5)

Hello friends! It's been a few days since I last posted. More like a couple of weeks. Midterms, papers, football games, Redfest, homework and more homework has absorbed my free time that I use to update my blog.

Today's post is a color my friday. Sadly, it's the last day of fall break so that's a bit of a downfall to today's friday, but all good things must come to an end. Or so they say (whoever "they" are).
One of my favorite artists is Mark Rothko. And of course he's a modern artist. (I mentioned him and my love for modern art earlier in my very first color my friday post here.) Rothko's paintings are built strictly on color and the relationships between different colors and the emotions connected to the color. A lot of people overlook his artwork because they only see it as blocks of color that a first grader could paint and they don't understand the emotion behind it.

Here's a little explanation from about Rothko's artwork:

"Visual elements such as luminosity, darkness, broad space, and the contrast of colors have been linked, by the artist himself as well as other commentators, to profound themes such as tragedy, ecstasy, and the sublime. Rothko, however, generally avoided explaining the content of his work, believing that the abstract image could directly represent the fundamental nature of "human drama."


Rothko believed that every single color contained some sort of emotion and he used the paint to explore different relationships with the color's emotions. His paintings usually expressed the tragedy of human existance while using chromatic abstraction.
I put together some of his pieces of art for you to look at (thanks to google) and experience a little bit of his emotion. Plus imagine them in their actual size, enveloping almost an entire wall. Have fun!


P.S. Look forward to our 30 in 30 that all of the Hortin sisters will be participating in starting Monday! It's going to be fun!
 (P.P.S. 30 in 30 is when you pick 30 pieces of clothing to wear for 30 days. You can only wear those thirty pieces so you get to mix and match to make different combos.)

Saturday, September 22, 2012

hello fall

.I live for autumn

WELCOME FALL!! Today is officially the first day of fall and welcome you with open arms. Fall is one of my favorite seasons, but I'm not too big a fan of the winter that comes afterwards. Beggars can't be choosers.There are so many reasons why I like fall so much, including:

1. Hot Chocolate
2. I don't walk into class covered in sweat
3. Sweatshirts
4. Jackets
5. Scarves
6. Boots
7. The colors
8. The smells of pumpkin and cinnamom
9. Changing leaves
11. Football!!!
And many more.
I can't wait! Pull out all of those scarves, sweaters, and sweatshirts. It's here!!Truth.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

happy birthday to the best friend a girl could have

HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my bestest friend in the entire world today. Today, my dearest friend Kenna turned 19! Words cannot describe how much I love this girl. We've only really known each other for about 3 years, but it seems like we've known each other forever and have been best friends since we were born.
(This picture was taken when we went to the Sweetheart's dance together in the same group. Well, the first time. Junior year.) 
Here are just a few of the reasons why I love her and why we're best friends:
1. We've been through a heck of a lot together. You name it, but we've always stuck together, through thick and thin.
2. She always gives me a hug when I need it.
3. She listens.
4. She respects me.
5. She cares about me.
6. We check up on each other.
7. We tell each other secrets.
8. We never run out of things to talk about.
9. She sets me up on blind dates. Ha.
10. We make jewelry together.
11. We make snow cones and get scared by cats in the same night!
12. We go on bike rides.
13. We made masquerade masks together.
14. We watch chick flicks together when we need a girls night, even when it's every Friday night.
15. We have sleep overs.
16. She reminds me of why we are best friends and always will be.
17. We talk about how we're going to build houses right next to each other so that our kids can play together.
18. We talk about how we're both going to be teachers and we are going to have our classes work together on art projects.
19. We talk about how we're going to live in the same apartment building when we're old so that we can dye our hair crazy colors and race each other down the hallway.
And sooo many more!!!!

I love Kenna so much and she is the greatest best friend. I couldn't ask for anything more!!!!
Happy Birthday girly!!!!!!!! I hope it's a great one and we will definitely celebrate soon!!!

:) I have the best friends :)

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

thanks Pinterest

I found this thought while I was taking my daily stroll through my Pinterest page and I thought is was very applicable to my life right now.

a year

There have been a lot of changes in the past year of my life. Especially good ones.
1. I left high school
2. Made SO many new friends through my senior year.
3. Started college.
4. Dear friends are preparing for and leaving on their missions very soon.
5. Matures A LOT!
6. Broke out of my little shell.
It's kind of fun to think of all the changes. Go ahead and think about your life! You may never realize how it's changed if you don't sit down and think about it.

Friday, September 7, 2012

color my friday #3

For today's "color my friday", I kind of struggled to figure out what I was going to blog about because I don't have a ton of time to blog. So I was looking through my Pinterest (addicted!!) and I found this awesome Halloween costume idea that relates to art. Art History actually. One of my favorite artists is Lichtenstein who made cartoon images using benday dots, which are those little dots inside the figure. (I think he was a Pop Artist, but I could very well be wrong. All of my Art History is beginning to go a little fuzzy. I need to keep up on it!)

Here's some of his artwork:

(I have this painting on one of my necklaces and this is the big silver pendant at the bottom.)

costume. What if I dressed up like this for Halloween and only my Art History/Modern Art loving geeky friends would understand who I was? "What are you?" "A Lichtenstein painting!! BEAT THAT!!"

See? How awesome would this be as an art inspired Halloween costume? And only my Art History/Modern Art loving geeky friends would understand who I was?
 "What are you?"
"A Lichtenstein painting!! BEAT THAT!!"

We'll see if I actually dress up like it. Who knows? I've still got time.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

time for a change

I've decided (well actually I decided a while ago) that I need a little change in my life. Well, actually, a BIG change. I've decided that I am going to chop all of my hair off and donate ten inches to Locks of Love. This is either the third or fourth time I've done this and I'm grateful my hair grows so fast so that I can donate it so often. If you don't know what Locks of Love is, it's a program where women, and I guess men too, grow their hair out and then cut 10 inches off which is then donated to the program. They then take your hair and create wigs for women wha have lost their hair because of whatever reason. This way some woman in the world can have her hair back! Hair is surprisingly a very important part of a woman's physical body. Now someone else can benefit from my dead cells. ;) I actually would have cut my hair a while ago, earlier in the summer, but I figured "Why cut my hair when it's only a few inches from being able to donate it. Why not deal with long hair for one more month if it means someone else has the chance to have their hair back?" So i waited. But Saturday is the day when I'm going to chop it off. This is the shortest I have ever cut my hair before.

This is the length my hair was at graduation and it's grown about one or two inches longer. But it won't be this way for much longer... :D

Here's the new look I'm going for. I want it to look like Chelsea Kane's hair from Baby Daddy if you know what i'm talking about. What do you think? Do you think it'll work on me???

(I'm not going blonde though!! I'm not changing THAT much!)
I'm actually really excited!! I'm a little nervous because it's such a drastic change. But at the same time I am so excited to be able to straighten my hair and actually do something with it every day. The old bun on top of my head everyday starts to get a little old. i can't wait to play with it and straighten it! Curl it! Wave it! And make funky, crazy updos!!!! I can't wait. I'll post after pictures for you all, along with my many hair experiments! Wish me luck! And let me know if you think I'm making a good decision and if you think it will look good.

Friday, August 31, 2012

color my friday and music junkie #2

Welcome to another Friday! Honestly, I thought this day would never come! I don't know about you, but this week has gone very slowly for me. And to add to that, I've been waiting a while for this day because it is the starting of a three day weekend that I get to spend with my family at a family reunion. For today's "color me friday", I found a painting on Pinterest of a couple kissing which I loved. So I wanted to share a couple of my favorite pieces of artwork titled The Kiss (or something related to that title).

Pinned Image

The Kiss, by JarekPuczel
(Found on Pinterest)
I love the way that their faces seem to blend into one.

The Kiss, by Rodin
I saw one of these in San Francisco and literally started to cry while I was standing around it. It's beautiful!!! You really have to see it from every angle and in person. The most amaxing part to me is the man's hand on the woman's thigh. The way that Rodin shows the slight amount of pressure on her leg is incredible and so realistic. Just GORGEOUS!

The Kiss, by Gustav Klimt

Kissing the War Goodbye

---, by Roy Lichtenstein
I just thought I would throw one of Lichtenstein's in because I love him so much. It has a different sort of feeling with this kiss, but I still love him.

music junkie #2

While I'm on the topic of kissing, apparently, I thought I would add on a music junkie post with it. Here's one of my new favorite songs and music videos. Enjoy!!

Kissed You Goodnight, by Gloriana

Friday, August 24, 2012

color my friday

Friday is a great day anyways, for so many reasons (need I tell you why? The weekend, end of the work week, end of the school week, no catching the train early for school, etc. etc....). So I decided that I was going to add to that already excellent day of a Friday by creating a post that I will post (hopefully) every Friday. I got the inspiration from Pinterest via someone elses blog that I had landed upon in one of my Pinterest binges. I am going to post about something (a thought, a picture... probably from Pinterest because I love that genious website) related to color. You may not know this, but I am such an Art History nerd and have developed the love for color and modern art because of my amazing high school teacher, Cheryl Hughes. (I get in frequent arguments with anyone who says that modern art isn't really art. Don't even mention that sentence to me because I will definitely dig you into the ground whenever you say that Rothko is just a box of colors that a five year old could paint or anything related to this sentence. JUST DON'T!!!!)  My friday post will now have something to do with art or color to add a little bit of color to your already exciting Friday!

Words of wisdom!
For today, here's the thought about color and art. As I mentioned earlier, I am in love with art and I believe this statement: that the world would be boring without any color or artwork, natural or otherwise. Whenever you mention a generic color, many people jump to conclusions of what they mean. Red- anger, green- envy, etc. Color means so much. They each have their own sort of connotation and create a more interesting world.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

music junkie #1

For those who don't know, I am a total and complete music junkie. You could maybe guess that since I love to play the piano and sing, but I love constantly being surrounded by music. At work, in the car, getting ready in the morning, watching CMT music videos. So because of my love of music I though I'd share some different songs/videos/lyrics that I've been listening to and have fallen in love with.

For today, I am sitting here in my cubicle with my headphones in my ears, connected to my beloved iPod. The song I want to share with you is "Blame It on the Rain" by He is We. I first got introduced to this song by my best friend when she made a mixed CD for me. The lyrics express a feeling that I've experienced a couple of times. Nothing too serious, but the little excitement of a crush, that I hope we've all felt at least once in our lives. (Or maybe you've experienced a break up or watching someone else date the person you wish you were dating. Which is definitely not the best part of dating, but at least we learn from it.)

"Blame It On The Rain"
You, got me caught in all this mess.
I guess, we can blame it on the rain.
My pain is knowing I can’t have you,
I can’t have you.

Tell me does she look at you the way I do,
Try to understand the words you say,
and the way you move?
Does she get the same big rush,
When you go in for a hug and your cheeks brush?
Tell me am I crazy, or is this more than a crush?

I catch my breath,
The one you took the moment you entered the room.
My heart, it breaks at the thought of her holding you.

Does she look at you the way I do,
Try to understand the words you say,
and the way you move?
Does she get the same big rush,
When you go in for a hug and your cheeks brush?
Tell me am I crazy, or is this more than a crush?
(Is it more than a crush?)

Maybe I’m alone in this,
But I find peace in solitude knowing,
If I had but just one kiss this whole room,
Would be glowing.
We’d be glowing,
We’d be glowing.

Does she, tell me, does she look at you the way I do,
Try to understand the words you say,
and the way you move?
Does she get the same big rush,
When you go in for a hug and your cheeks brush?
Tell me am I crazy, or is this more than a crush?
(More than a crush)

Does she, tell me, does she look at you the way I do,
Try to understand the words you say,
and the way you move?
Does she get the same big rush,
When you go in for a hug and your cheeks brush?
Tell me am I crazy, or is this more than a crush?
(More than a crush)

Does she look at you the way I do,
Try to understand the words you say,
and the way you move?
Does she get the same big rush,
When you go in for a hug and your cheeks brush?
Tell me am I crazy, or is this more than a crush?

Tell me does she look at you the way I do,
Try to understand the words you say,
and the way you move?
Does she get the same big rush,
When you go in for a hug and your cheeks brush?
Tell me am I crazy, or is this more than a crush?

Friday, July 27, 2012

happily ever after...?

Believe it or not, I am actually BLOGGING!!! I told you that I didn't make any serious promises and not to hold me to anything. Well, I'm really hoping no one did (besides my mom) because I obviously failed at my goal of blogging frequently. But this time I think (keyword) I will actually hold myself to it. I have a lot of things to share! I've got a lot on my mind to share with you, whoever you are!

So the first thing I want to blog about today is.... (drumroll, please).... THE BACHELORETTE!!! Haha. Please don't judge me. I only watched the last 30 minutes of the Finale on Sunday, because that's really the best part of the whole show. I honestly know nothing about this season, except that there is a guy named Jef with one "f" and he's from Utah, and has big, quaffed hair. That's about it, and I pretty much only know that because of my sister, Maggie. She's keeping me updated on my pop culture.

To the main point of this blog. Jef with one "f"'s proposal was incredible. In a word. I got automatically hooked as soon as he started talking.And probably helped that you knew she was going to say yes, since the other guy didn't even propose. So here you go. See for yourself and enjoy!

See what I mean? Well, I was smitten by it. You might call me a hopeless romantic, because let's face it, I AM!!! Pretty darn good to me.

Monday, April 23, 2012

I've returned!

Hello, blogging world and my 3 or so followers!! I've returned! FINALLY! After much consistent encouragement from my mother and sisters, I've finally made it back to this world of internet blogging. It's been almost 6 months, thanks to my excellent procrastination skills and lack of time. There's a lot to blog about from the past five months, so my goal for the near future is to catch you up by blogging about any fun past events in my life. We'll see how this goes.... I won't make any life changing promises because we've seen how well my blogging past has gone. :) So here goes on this new adventure of blogging! Wish me luck!