Monday, December 19, 2011

The Forgotten Carols

About a week and a half ago, Carrie and I were able to sing in the choir as part of The Forgotten Carols. It was such an amazing experience! I'd sung in it two years ago, but it was nothing like this year. I felt like we sang 10x better and were very well prepared. They even told us that we were one of the best choirs of the entire Christmas season (and they bought us donuts because of it). One of the best songs that you perform is Three Kings because at the key change, you all snap forward and become "unlost". We had such an amazing time! So here's a little sneak peek. (This is not us performing, but the clip from the movie that they recorded of it.)

Friday, November 11, 2011

Everything I need to know I learned in the first grade!

This speaks the truth!

My B days usually aren't too horrible, but on those few instances going to the elementary school and working with Miss L's  class makes the day immensely better. I love the look on all of the kids faces when I walk in the door and they all wave and say hi to me as I sit at my back table and get situated. I usually help the kids in small groups during "The Daily Five" or do some other projects to keep me busy. 

But one of the major highlights of this week was when i got to play with Go Fish with the kids. But it wasn't any stereotypical Go Fish. In this game, you had to ask for the match with the added or absent silent E. 

We had such a fun time playing our game together (even if some of the kids were completely lost and confused). The kids loved to just watch us play while they were supposed to be reading silently. (keyword: supposed to). 

Wednesday was such a fun day! We had a blast. but on of the major highlights that made my day was when Chevy (the boy in the hat) decided to create his own rendition of the hit song "Party Rock Anthem". I know you've all heard it. His version could make millions, I'm pretty sure. Chevy sings "Go fish is in the house tonight!!!" Hahaha! It cracked me up. Who knew that first graders even knew that song?? Not me!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

A great musical selection

Another excellent radio station from Pandora:
Hometown Glory, Adele
Gravity (Acoustic), Sara Bareilles
I Never Told You, Colbie Caillat
Arms, Christina Perri
Make You Feel My Love, cover by Adele
Whiskey Lullaby, Brad Paisley feat. Alison Krauss
The Great Escape, Boys Like Girls  (mixing it up a little...)
Right As Rain, Adele

This is one of my favorites from today's music selection.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

20 things you don't know about melanie

1. I was born on Mother's Day of 1994. This was the day that the cuckoo clock broke and has hardly made a noise since.

2. I have many names including Mel, Mellie, Mels Bells, Menalie, Men, and Brown, just to name a few.

3. I used to climb under the kitchen table and pretend it was a rocket ship when I was little.

4. I have four different scents of lotion in my backpack right now. Need some lotion? Take your pick!!

5. I don't really have a favorite color. I love anything bright!

6. I love tulips.

7. I've never gone snowboarding or skiing, and I've lived in Utah my entire life.

8. Almost all of the jewelry I own I've made with my own two hands.

9. I love watching movies and t.v.

10. One of my favorite movies is Calamity Jane, featuring Doris Day and Howard Keel.

11. Halloween is my favorite holiday.

12. I like to purposefully sing off key when I'm at home.

13. I can sing like a man.

14. I love sad, depressing songs.

15. I've worn glasses since the 5th grade, and have only worn contacts for a year and a half.

16. I've donated my hair to Locks of Love three times (maybe four, I can't remember...).

17. I love Diet Coke and Diet Dr. Pepper!

18. One goal in my life is to become a real seamstress and be able to design and sew my own clothing.

19. I love to quote movies.

20. I can't wait to become an elementary school teacher after college. :)

Sunday, October 30, 2011

My Complaints!

Sometimes I REALLY hate teachers!!! My certain Jewelry 1 teacher, who shall remain nameless, in particular. We made a necklace (which was a headache from the beginning) was supposed to be due this week. But of course the one day that I was absent, he decided to have the entire class turn in our necklaces. Great.... Mine was only half done, but he wouldn't let me finish it, even though I am supposed to have one week, seven days, to turn it in and still earn full credit. BUT NO! So now my grade has been brought down to an A- (which, I know, isn't that big of a deal,  but it is when it keeps me from a perfect 4.0!!!). I'm sure I've made more jewelry than he would know what to do with. I can even prove it. And I'm sure it's worth more than an A-! I can even teach HIM! Gah!!!

So there's my little venting moment.... Thanks for listening.

Friday, September 30, 2011

It's like forgetting....


It's like forgetting the words to your favorite song
You can't believe it
You were always singing along
It was so easy and the words so sweet
You can't remember
You try to feel the beat

Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet, eet, eet, eet
Eeeeeeeeeeeeeteeet, eet, eet, eet

You spent half of your life trying to fall behind
You're using your headphones to drown out your mind
It was so easy, and the words so sweet
You can't remember
You try to move your feet
Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet, eet, eet, eet
Eeeeeeeeeeeeeteeet, eet, eet, eet

Someone's deciding whether or not to steal
He opens the window just to feel the chill
He hears that outside a small boy just starting to cry
'Cause it's his turn but his brother won't let him try

It's like forgetting the words to your favorite song
You can't believe it
You were always singing along
It was so easy and the words so sweet
You can't remember
You try to move your feet

It was so easy and the words so sweet
You can't remember, you try to feel the beat

Ahh, Regina Spektor, I've missed you...

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Get ready for G-gionals!!

So are you ready for G-gionals? Because Mr. Gue and the G club sure are!!

Monday, September 19, 2011


Simply put, I love football. 'Nuff said...

The burning of the A.

It is me, Melanie!!

Wow! It's been more than a month since I've written on my blog! Let me catch you up on a few things:
-School's started and I am loving Senior year so far!!
-I've started working with 1st graders at Altara Elementary, and I LOVE it, too! Even when they do chew on their erasers and don't pay attention... But I still love them!
-I did not go to the Homecoming Dance, so instead I spent the night with some of the wardies and friends playing Catch Phrase and listening to the Utah/BYU football game in the background. Some funny moments: "Chucky!!" "Ben, your head is in my hole."
-Football season has started!!
And last, but not least Alta and the Utes won! Yaya!!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Have you been registered?

Yes, I have officially been registered! Tuesday was the last time in my life that I will ever have to go to registration at Alta High School. It's a bittersweet moment, but it's also exciting because this is the year we get to rule the school! As they would say on Grease "Yeah, but this year we're seniors." "And we're gonna rule the school!"
So my friends and I showed up about an hour after it started., which was perfect because we didn't have to wait in the long line at first (but that didn't last for long). After we turned in our papers, we ended up waiting in a 2 hour line to get our schedules rearranged!! Let me re-exaggerate. 2 HOURS for something that only takes five minuted to fix!! Ridiculous. Anyways, we finally made it to the end of our check list, including our pictures (p.s. always go to the girl photographer).

It's official now. I have been registered for my last and final year of high school.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

My newest creation!

At work today, I made my newest piece of jewelry. I matched it to go with a new sweater of mine.

It's an antique silver chain with red semi-precious beads. Total: $15.00.
Just leave me a comment if you're interested in purchasing one from me!
(Sorry, it's such a horrible photo. I'll try to get a better picture.)

My Summer Bucket List

So at the beginning of this summer, I decided that I wanted to make this summer really worth it. So I decided to write a bucket list for the summer. (Thanks to a little inspiration from the movie.)
#1 Go tubing down a canal. Not yet.
#2 Go swimming. Check!
#3 Go jet-skiing. August 15th!!
#4 Visit Oma. Check!
#5 Visit Grandma. August 15th!!
#6 Breakfast with Bertha. Check!
#7 Sell jewelry. Working on it.
#8 Go camping. Girl's Camp!
#9 Lay under the stars. Stargazing, thanks to Josh. ;)
#10 Build a campfire. Multiple times.
#11 Sing around a campfire. Check!
#12 Sleep outside. Yes, if sleeping in a tent qualifies... maybe.
#13 Sleep in the backyard. Thinking about it, it sounds slightly frightening. :S
#14 Run through the sprinklers. While fixing the sprinkler.
#15 Sleep on a trampoline. First, I need a trampoline...
#16 Go hiking. Check!
#17 Start a blog. CHECK!
#18 Go on a date. Yes, but it's been a while.
#19 High School Musical marathon. It's a tradition!
#20 Nicholas Sparks marathon. Check!
#21 Run through the fountain at the Gateway. Date idea!!
#22 Swing on a swingset. Kind of.
#23 Go to a baseball game. Check! Although the Bees lost. :(
#24 Run outside in the rain. Does hiking in a gigantic lightning storm count, while being covered by a tarp and wearing native american clothing count?
#25 Fly a kite. Check!
#26 Go to the SnoShack and eat a Snowcone. I'm addicted!

I still have a few things I want to do, but sadly, the summer is coming to an end. And whether I deny it or not, school is coming...