Monday, September 19, 2011

It is me, Melanie!!

Wow! It's been more than a month since I've written on my blog! Let me catch you up on a few things:
-School's started and I am loving Senior year so far!!
-I've started working with 1st graders at Altara Elementary, and I LOVE it, too! Even when they do chew on their erasers and don't pay attention... But I still love them!
-I did not go to the Homecoming Dance, so instead I spent the night with some of the wardies and friends playing Catch Phrase and listening to the Utah/BYU football game in the background. Some funny moments: "Chucky!!" "Ben, your head is in my hole."
-Football season has started!!
And last, but not least Alta and the Utes won! Yaya!!

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