Sunday, October 30, 2011

My Complaints!

Sometimes I REALLY hate teachers!!! My certain Jewelry 1 teacher, who shall remain nameless, in particular. We made a necklace (which was a headache from the beginning) was supposed to be due this week. But of course the one day that I was absent, he decided to have the entire class turn in our necklaces. Great.... Mine was only half done, but he wouldn't let me finish it, even though I am supposed to have one week, seven days, to turn it in and still earn full credit. BUT NO! So now my grade has been brought down to an A- (which, I know, isn't that big of a deal,  but it is when it keeps me from a perfect 4.0!!!). I'm sure I've made more jewelry than he would know what to do with. I can even prove it. And I'm sure it's worth more than an A-! I can even teach HIM! Gah!!!

So there's my little venting moment.... Thanks for listening.

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