Tuesday, October 30, 2012

happy halloween

It's been a long, frustrating evening, but the one thing getting me through is that tomorrow is my very favorite holiday. HALLOWEEN!! As a little pre-celebration for Halloween, I found a couple of my favorite clips from my favorite mandatory Halloween movie. Enjoy!

'Tis Firm!

Calming circle

Get ready everyone. Pull out those classic Halloween costumes, like those great witch and zombie costumes and eat all the candy you want because the moon is almost full and it's almost All hallow's Eve! Sleep tight! And may the Sanderson Sisters stay dead for another year.

Friday, October 26, 2012

rothko, we meet again (color me friday #6)

I previously mentioned my deep love for Rothko and his paintings in my last "color me friday" here. During the spring of this year, my sisters, Jenny and Maggie, and I went to San Fransisco with my Art History class and they came along as chaperones.

While we were in San Fransisco, we visited the Museum of Modern Art (my favorite art museum of the entire weekend. Surprised? Because you really shouldn't be) and I was able to see my first Rothko painting. You'd better believe I sat and stood there for at least ten minutes staring and pondering. Plus there was a bench in front of it that we could sit on. Our feet were about to die by the last day. But let's just say, we were the last people from our group of Art Historians to leave MOMA. We stayed even later than Ms. Hughes! If that doesn't tell you how much I love modern art, I don't know what does. :)

Thursday, October 25, 2012


In case you didn't know, I am a BIG Dancing With The Stars fan. Huge. Here were my two favorite dances from this week that I just HAD to share with you. And it might help that I am in love with Gilles Marini and a little in love with Derek, even if he does have a big head.

Look at that attractive man in his suspenders. Mmm....

I really liked when Derek fell into the fog. It was a little cliche, but still really creative.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

i wish

Winter has begun to threaten us here in Utah and I've fallen behind on my 30 in 30 posting (surprised? At least I've posted more than my sisters. ;) Love you!) and I have a limited of time to post because I actually do need sleep. Looking on Pinterest, I uncovered some really cute items of clothing that I've added to my wish list. I probably won't ever get them, but I can hope.

Hunter Wellies!
Any of these would be so nice for the wet weather.
not a morning person
Nothing explains my personality in the morning any better

cutest gloves i've ever seen
Cutest gloves ever!! They would be so perfect for winter.

Stay warm out there!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

30 in 30, day one, two, and three

Start your engines!!! As I previously mentioned on Friday, the Hortin sister have started our 30 in 30!! Here comes a challenge! For four women, it is very difficult to limit your entire closet to only 30 pieces of clothing. But alas, we did it. 30 in 30, I believe, was an original idea from kendieveryday.com. Check out her website on the left hand side of the page, keep scrolling down.
Last week, the Hortin sisters all figured out what our rules would be. We started out a little bit easier. Maybe next time we'll make it really difficult. And here are the rules:
  • Saturdays don't count, unless you leave the house.
  • Accessories are freebies, except for shoes.
  • Undershirts don't count.
  • Outerwear doesn't count.
  • We have to blog our beginning stash and what articles we chose.
  • Blog each outfit. Even if it's only every couple of days. We do have lives People!:)

Day one: I actually forgot to take a picture, but it was nothing special. My go to Monday outfit- a t-shirt and jeans.

Day two: Just another day at school, but I didn't have to go to work so I didn't have to wear a skirt or change into a skirt. But I also had to be able to run and play with a bunch of little kids because I served at The Road Home yesterday in the playroom.

(Sorry, the stupid picture won't flip right side up. So you'll have to crane your neck a bit. It's just artsy.:) )
Sweater: Forever 21
Jeans: H&M
Necklace: birthday
Day three: Today I did go to work so a skirt was required in some way. I mixed a little bit of brown and black. What do you think? Did it work out alright? I wasn't totally sure if the shape of the outfit worked out okay. Is it a keeper? (P.s. Check out the new haircut!!! It's curly today so you can't see the style very much, but stay tuned.)

Skirt and Jacket: from Ellen
Shoes: Who knows? I've had them for a long time.
Striped shirt: H&M
Belt: DownEast
Necklace: DownEast
Bracelet: By me
Day four coming soon! Along with a picture of my beginning stash. The stash isn't totally set in stone yet.

overplayed (music junkie #4)

I just recently bought this new overplayed Taylor Swift song. Yes, I know it is so overplayed you want to shoot every radio in a 1 mile radius whenever you here it, BUT yet again Taylor Swift has written a song that I can definietly relate to. So feel free to listen or, if you so wish, pull out your toy pistols and have at it.


Friday, October 12, 2012

dear rothko, (color my friday #5)

Hello friends! It's been a few days since I last posted. More like a couple of weeks. Midterms, papers, football games, Redfest, homework and more homework has absorbed my free time that I use to update my blog.

Today's post is a color my friday. Sadly, it's the last day of fall break so that's a bit of a downfall to today's friday, but all good things must come to an end. Or so they say (whoever "they" are).
One of my favorite artists is Mark Rothko. And of course he's a modern artist. (I mentioned him and my love for modern art earlier in my very first color my friday post here.) Rothko's paintings are built strictly on color and the relationships between different colors and the emotions connected to the color. A lot of people overlook his artwork because they only see it as blocks of color that a first grader could paint and they don't understand the emotion behind it.

Here's a little explanation from www.nga.gov about Rothko's artwork:

"Visual elements such as luminosity, darkness, broad space, and the contrast of colors have been linked, by the artist himself as well as other commentators, to profound themes such as tragedy, ecstasy, and the sublime. Rothko, however, generally avoided explaining the content of his work, believing that the abstract image could directly represent the fundamental nature of "human drama."


Rothko believed that every single color contained some sort of emotion and he used the paint to explore different relationships with the color's emotions. His paintings usually expressed the tragedy of human existance while using chromatic abstraction.
I put together some of his pieces of art for you to look at (thanks to google) and experience a little bit of his emotion. Plus imagine them in their actual size, enveloping almost an entire wall. Have fun!


P.S. Look forward to our 30 in 30 that all of the Hortin sisters will be participating in starting Monday! It's going to be fun!
 (P.P.S. 30 in 30 is when you pick 30 pieces of clothing to wear for 30 days. You can only wear those thirty pieces so you get to mix and match to make different combos.)