Tuesday, July 30, 2013


Tonight, I find myself alone at home for a little while which doesn't happen too often. My home teachers came earlier and shared a message and then left me to my thoughts and a stack of dishes. I normally hate doing dishes, at least the ones that don't go in the dishwasher. But over the last few weeks, I've realized that I find doing dishes a little bit therapeutic.While I was nannying four kids last week, doing the dishes was kind of my break from the kids hanging out upstairs. So now I turn on my music and drown and scrub out my thoughts. After dumping about two bowlfuls down my front, I got in my sweats and am now hanging out, blogging, and listening to my good, old country music while I wait for the others to return home. Don't get me wrong. I would much rather be getting snow cones or something adventurous. But hear I sit. I've had a lot on my mind about boys and what-not (see sidebar) and dishes brought me a little bit of relief from my thoughts as I soaked and scrubbed. Mostly just my clothes, but there were some actual dishes that got clean in the process. Now I just have to keep this from of therapy secret or I'll be the only one doing dishes for the rest of my life. Too bad my mom reads my blog... ;)

I'm grateful for my friends that can tell me anything and that I can tell anything. And can watch the Bachelorette with me.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

the book of mormon challenge

I just followed up on one of my favorite blogs online right now that I've mentioned once before and read that she is doing a yearly book of mormon challenge that I know she's done in years past and is starting it up for August this year. And I am accepting the challenge! Now, honestly, I really am not very good at sticking with challenges because I just can't seem to ever finish or complete them. Don't ask me why. But I've felt lately that I've needed to start reading the Book of Mormon again and this seems like the perfect opportunity, especially right before school starts up again. Plus, I've never read it in this little time. So I'm going to do it!!
The guidelines for this challenge is to read the Book of Mormon in one month or less. So starting August 1st, I will be reading the Book of Mormon. The outlined schedule is 8 chapters a day for 31 days until the month runs out. You can read, listen, whatever! Just do it! Join me, won't you? I want to hear all about your challenge experiences and lessons learned while reading the Book of Mormon in one month and I'll  share mine. Feel free to leave any compliments or experiences RIGHT HERE!!!
Join in!!!
 Explore here for more challenge experiences and explanation on the challenge and past experiences with the challenge. Let's do this!!

I just realized that I forgot to share something I was grateful for in my last post so I'll make up for it today. I think my brain was too full while writing the last post. Today, I am grateful for the many lessons in church today echoing the blessings of having trials in our lives. I'm also grateful for missionary emails.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

rain and goodbyes

Hi friends. I'm back. I know I told you to gear up for an emotional post about a month ago that never came, but I'm sorry I'm finally half way writing it. I'm terrible at sticking to things on my blog. Moving on. Don't judge me or trust me solely on my dedication to my blog. I'm not sure why I haven't written this post. Maybe it's just a little too tough to actually write out the feelings and words that are floating around in my head. Or maybe the rain just wants to bring it out of me a little bit.
Remember my dear friend Jake that I mentioned in the last post who with the baseball tickets? Well, he officially left on his mission to serve the Lord for two years in Spain on June 11. So about a month ago. I won't go into all the details about it and saying goodbye, but he is doing really well. I got a letter back from him on Thursday and it's great to hear about all of his Christ-like service he is involved in a half a world away. Saying goodbye was definitely tough, but the hardest part was after I'd left and was actually that night. I looked up the stars and just started to cry. I'm pretty sure my sister thought I was mental. Jake and I used to look at the stars together and do our own kind of star gazing which ended up in him finding constellations on his phone and trying to show me where they were. Some times worked out better than others... Anyways, that 's the emotional post, just in a nutshell because I don't really want to flesh that all out completely. Saying goodbye for two whole years to one of your best friends is just harder than you would think.

Do you ever have a song that always seems to speak to you, no matter the mood you're in? Here's mine for the past few weeks.