Saturday, April 27, 2013

finals equal brain torture

Finals week... shudders... The end of last week and the beginning of this upcoming week is the terrible, horrid finals week at the University of Utah. You know what that means? Stress flowing out of my ears, a lot of sugar and junkfood (and I mean A LOT. Definitely going to have to work out once I'm finished), a crowded library, and constant procrastination. I'm half way there finals wise, but it seems like it might never actually be summer break. Is that poosible? That maybe the school has just been lying to me this whole time? Nah, probably not. The light's there somewhere at the end of the very dark and curvy tunnel... It's just a long ways down there. Let's hope I can make it through Monday with flying colors, and then it's on to finding a summer job, finally reading the many books I have on my list, catching up on my crafting projects that I've wanted to do for so long, playing outside, and definitely hanging out with friends!
And one of the worst things about having finals week right now is that the weather outside here in Utah is BEAUTIFUL! The sun is shining all day with 75 degree weather. My heaven temperature. And all I get to do is force myself to stay inside and study so I don't fail. Not fair.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

the untitled

I honestly don't know what to title this post, hence the untitled title. Now that I've used forms of title so many times I'm exhausted, let me just vent to you readers a little bit about some of the things that have gotten under my skin for a little bit. Sometimes I feel like my brain is overwhelmed with so many thoughts and worries that it has become a big bowl of soup with millions of alphabet letter noodles floating around in it. (So much so that I just spelled bowl BOUL. Help me.)
If you don't desire to read about my issues under my skin, just read on. Sometimes a girls gotta vent to something that doesn't respond directly, ya know?
Anyways, #1: I'm getting super sick of people sugar coating things. I mean that in the way that if someone doesn't actually want to do something or isn't excited about doing something, then actually tell me. I would much rather have everyone be honest with each other and face reality. Give it to me straight and I won't be offended. People choose to be offended and if I am offended, it's my own darn fault.
#2: I'm tired of feeling second string. Like a third or fourth wheel. Or like I'm a step down from other friends. Does that make sense? Sometimes I wonder if I'm really that good of friends with someone as I might think...
#3: I'm kind of tired of not planning things. I have this weird issue with having to know what's going on ahead of time. I'm okay with hanging out with friends last minute, but it's when people talk about doing something, but no one takes the initiative or forgets to contact you or everyone else so I end up sitting at home reading a book and actually catching up on stuff that I really don't want to do at the moment. If no one else is going to take charge and make decisions, then I will!
Sorry for boring you with a venting sesh, but sometimes I really need to get a few things off my chest. I appreciate your willingness to listen. ;) Or read rather.

P.s. for those of you really following my blog, I have found plenty of time to paint my nails. Multiple times actually. I think I'm finally physically put back together. Mentally and emotionally, it depends on the day.

P.p.s. Less than a month until my birthday! "Presents are not required, but encouraged..." ;)

Thursday, April 11, 2013


Well, I survived! I'm sure you were all holding on and sitting on the edge of your seat. Yeah, right. You have a life. But I did survive that monster of a research paper. 14 pages later and 10 sources about Chinese Americans and it is turned in to my professor. Now let's hope I get a good grade! Fingers crossed. But like I said, listening to Imagine Dragon helped me out a bit (along with surprise phone calls that put a huge smile on my face). Nothing puts me in a good mood like some great music!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

buckling up

I'm preparing for the next few days being filled with writing an awful, treacherous, close to 10 page paper on Chinese Americans. Can you say torture? And it's a research paper so it has to include a whole load of sources. I'm definitely buckling my seatbelt so I make it through this week alive without biting off too many people's heads. Wish me luck... I think I'm going to need it. But maybe listening to Imagine Dragons will help me through it a little easier! We'll see. I'll keep you posted.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

spreading the word and gospel

This weekend is General Conference and I love taking advantage of hearing the prophet and his counselor's voices bear their testimonies and constantly strengthening mine. I always seem to have some prayer answered by the leaders of the church. Their messages are constantly helping me to get through struggles in my life and throughout problems and questions that I am facing.

But this morning during conference I was so astounded by the number of missionaries serving  missions, shared by President Monson. I realized that so many of those missionaries serving and will be serving are so many of my dear friends! I am so proud of the friends that I have and their dedication to serve the lord and spread his gospel throughout so many places in the world, including Mexico City, Spain, Ukraine, Phillipines, Uganda, New York, Kentucky, Canada, California, Missouri, Minnesota and so many more. I am so amazed by the power of two people's testimonies working together to help more people come unto Christ. I feel so blessed to have the friends I have been given throughout my life!
Spencer's farewell. He is now serving in Mexico City.

Austin is now serving in Canada. Cassie will soon be serving in Baton Rouge.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

wedding bells

I promised a few posts back that I would put up photos and stuff about my sister, Maggie, and brother-in-law's wedding, so here's the video for you to watch.

It was such a beautifully wonderful day!
P.s. The videographer did a great job, don't ya think?

my sincerest compliments

The root of this post is a text-versation I had with a friend yesterday. I told him I got my test back in a class and asked what I got. I told him my score (which I am proud of, but not in a prideful sort of way) and that I was satisfied with it. And he wrote back "What!? That's amazing! Well done!! :)" One of my nightmares... (Just kidding, It's not that extreme. I feel like exaggerating today apparently.) I've always had a little problem when people compliment or congratulate me on certain things. Only some things. If you're complimenting me on my clothes, hair, or teeth (which I never get complimented on and I'm just fine with that! Compliments on my teeth seem a little weird. Thanks... I grow them myself??) then I'm fine with saying thank you, you're sweet. But what about when someone congratulates you on a good test score or grade? What do you say back?? I know you should say thank you, but I feel the worst when someone else gets a worse grade than you by at least a couple of
letter grades but still congratulates you. I think the root of my problem is ever since elementary school I've felt like I've been compared to everyone else by test scores and I hate to compare myself with others. So next time someone congratulates me on a higher test score or grade, what should I say?? I think I'm over analyzing now...moving on.