Saturday, September 22, 2012

hello fall

.I live for autumn

WELCOME FALL!! Today is officially the first day of fall and welcome you with open arms. Fall is one of my favorite seasons, but I'm not too big a fan of the winter that comes afterwards. Beggars can't be choosers.There are so many reasons why I like fall so much, including:

1. Hot Chocolate
2. I don't walk into class covered in sweat
3. Sweatshirts
4. Jackets
5. Scarves
6. Boots
7. The colors
8. The smells of pumpkin and cinnamom
9. Changing leaves
11. Football!!!
And many more.
I can't wait! Pull out all of those scarves, sweaters, and sweatshirts. It's here!!Truth.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

happy birthday to the best friend a girl could have

HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my bestest friend in the entire world today. Today, my dearest friend Kenna turned 19! Words cannot describe how much I love this girl. We've only really known each other for about 3 years, but it seems like we've known each other forever and have been best friends since we were born.
(This picture was taken when we went to the Sweetheart's dance together in the same group. Well, the first time. Junior year.) 
Here are just a few of the reasons why I love her and why we're best friends:
1. We've been through a heck of a lot together. You name it, but we've always stuck together, through thick and thin.
2. She always gives me a hug when I need it.
3. She listens.
4. She respects me.
5. She cares about me.
6. We check up on each other.
7. We tell each other secrets.
8. We never run out of things to talk about.
9. She sets me up on blind dates. Ha.
10. We make jewelry together.
11. We make snow cones and get scared by cats in the same night!
12. We go on bike rides.
13. We made masquerade masks together.
14. We watch chick flicks together when we need a girls night, even when it's every Friday night.
15. We have sleep overs.
16. She reminds me of why we are best friends and always will be.
17. We talk about how we're going to build houses right next to each other so that our kids can play together.
18. We talk about how we're both going to be teachers and we are going to have our classes work together on art projects.
19. We talk about how we're going to live in the same apartment building when we're old so that we can dye our hair crazy colors and race each other down the hallway.
And sooo many more!!!!

I love Kenna so much and she is the greatest best friend. I couldn't ask for anything more!!!!
Happy Birthday girly!!!!!!!! I hope it's a great one and we will definitely celebrate soon!!!

:) I have the best friends :)

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

thanks Pinterest

I found this thought while I was taking my daily stroll through my Pinterest page and I thought is was very applicable to my life right now.

a year

There have been a lot of changes in the past year of my life. Especially good ones.
1. I left high school
2. Made SO many new friends through my senior year.
3. Started college.
4. Dear friends are preparing for and leaving on their missions very soon.
5. Matures A LOT!
6. Broke out of my little shell.
It's kind of fun to think of all the changes. Go ahead and think about your life! You may never realize how it's changed if you don't sit down and think about it.

Friday, September 7, 2012

color my friday #3

For today's "color my friday", I kind of struggled to figure out what I was going to blog about because I don't have a ton of time to blog. So I was looking through my Pinterest (addicted!!) and I found this awesome Halloween costume idea that relates to art. Art History actually. One of my favorite artists is Lichtenstein who made cartoon images using benday dots, which are those little dots inside the figure. (I think he was a Pop Artist, but I could very well be wrong. All of my Art History is beginning to go a little fuzzy. I need to keep up on it!)

Here's some of his artwork:

(I have this painting on one of my necklaces and this is the big silver pendant at the bottom.)

costume. What if I dressed up like this for Halloween and only my Art History/Modern Art loving geeky friends would understand who I was? "What are you?" "A Lichtenstein painting!! BEAT THAT!!"

See? How awesome would this be as an art inspired Halloween costume? And only my Art History/Modern Art loving geeky friends would understand who I was?
 "What are you?"
"A Lichtenstein painting!! BEAT THAT!!"

We'll see if I actually dress up like it. Who knows? I've still got time.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

time for a change

I've decided (well actually I decided a while ago) that I need a little change in my life. Well, actually, a BIG change. I've decided that I am going to chop all of my hair off and donate ten inches to Locks of Love. This is either the third or fourth time I've done this and I'm grateful my hair grows so fast so that I can donate it so often. If you don't know what Locks of Love is, it's a program where women, and I guess men too, grow their hair out and then cut 10 inches off which is then donated to the program. They then take your hair and create wigs for women wha have lost their hair because of whatever reason. This way some woman in the world can have her hair back! Hair is surprisingly a very important part of a woman's physical body. Now someone else can benefit from my dead cells. ;) I actually would have cut my hair a while ago, earlier in the summer, but I figured "Why cut my hair when it's only a few inches from being able to donate it. Why not deal with long hair for one more month if it means someone else has the chance to have their hair back?" So i waited. But Saturday is the day when I'm going to chop it off. This is the shortest I have ever cut my hair before.

This is the length my hair was at graduation and it's grown about one or two inches longer. But it won't be this way for much longer... :D

Here's the new look I'm going for. I want it to look like Chelsea Kane's hair from Baby Daddy if you know what i'm talking about. What do you think? Do you think it'll work on me???

(I'm not going blonde though!! I'm not changing THAT much!)
I'm actually really excited!! I'm a little nervous because it's such a drastic change. But at the same time I am so excited to be able to straighten my hair and actually do something with it every day. The old bun on top of my head everyday starts to get a little old. i can't wait to play with it and straighten it! Curl it! Wave it! And make funky, crazy updos!!!! I can't wait. I'll post after pictures for you all, along with my many hair experiments! Wish me luck! And let me know if you think I'm making a good decision and if you think it will look good.