Wednesday, January 30, 2013

the bachelor girl

As mentioned in my earlier post a few days ago, I've recently become addicted to The Bachelor. Don't judge too quickly! Have you ever watched it? It is so addicting. All of the drama and everything really sucks you in because you really want him/her to end up with your favorite "contestant", I guess. I haven't quite solved the conundrum of the addicting Bachelor/Bachelorette. But all I know is that it is so entertaining to laugh at some of these girls. And yell at them at the same time. One of my favorite blogs gives a weekly commentary after Monday night's episode and it is HILARIOUS! So if you want some extra-ly awesome commentary, check out But for now, here's a little bit of commentary from yours truly on this weeks episode of the Bachelor.
1. An underwear shot? Really? Don't get me wrong, he's got a nice bod, but REALLY? Leave a little to the imagination.
2. Rock climbing. What a thrill.
3. Or terrifying.
4. Geez. Showing off the ta-tas much?
5. Rock climbing in a push-up bra and low tank. Living on the edge. (HA! Literally and figuratively...)
6. The Iraqi hates the desert and the sun? Last I checked Iraq was in the desert.
7. She has a scary smile. Please go away!
8. She is a world class BRAT!!
9. High school drama that YOU are the one creating?
10. What a liar and manipulative girl.
11. Go home!
12. You're really going to fall for the desperate girl and give HER a rose? What are you thinking? I should take over his job of picking who gets a rose.
13. Wedding dress girl needs to go home. I think.
14. Teeny Bikini.
15. She looks like a flapper from the 20s. With terrible, terrible lip stick. Not an awesome look with the ratty hair.
16. YES!!! The girl that I don't like is going home!! Yay. Scary smile, fake girl is headed home.
17. Now Tierra needs to go home. Sean, please see through the fake mask and send her home next week!
18. And REALLY? Hypothermia next week? Karma will get you every time.
19. And P.S. don't run into freezing cold water in a tiny bathing suit and stay in the water for a long period of time. It's kind of common sense.

Monday, January 28, 2013

if only...

It could change so many things in our friendship...

welcome to utah

You definitely know that you live in Utah and attend the University of Utah when it snows an entire foot and a half or more nonstop all over campus in twelve hours and the administration STILL doesn't cancel classes. Westminster college cancelled classes the morning of the snowstorm and they're not even as high in elevation as the U. Plus the U is completely built on a hill. Somehow this seems like a stupid idea NOT to cancel class until 1:00 pm when anyone that needed to be on campus was already stuck up there, freezing and soaked in gross slush/salt water. We really appreciated it.

Anyways, that snowstorm really did add up to one of the best days of my college life, but it definitely made me think of this clip from one of my very favorite tv shows, Gilmore Girls. Enjoy!

dear followers...

dear followers (whoever you are),
Please forgive me for my shortcomings here on my blog. I always seem to go through the same cycle with taking care of my blog where I blog about six times in a row and then fall behind for at least a month. Again, my sincerest apologies. But here I am, always returning to my blog. Give me a little credit for that... Please??

First of all, I am trying to work on some New Year's resolutions which I pplan on posting very soon. So stay tuned. Secondly, I have recently become extremely addicted to some wonderful forms of entertainment known as Downton Abbey and The Bachelor, which I will also be blogging about shortly. And when I say recently, I mean the last week. I have watched almost every episode of Downton Abbey in the last week and a half. This OBSESSION is quickly becoming extreme. So please stay tuned for (hopefully) some fun blog posts.
