Thursday, December 20, 2012

the seventh day of christmas

On the seventh day of Christmas, my non-existant true love gave to me...

A video of my favorite man singing my favorite song from the Forgotten Carols.

the eighth day of christmas

On the eighth day of Christmas, my non-existant true love gave to me...

Tickets to the Forgotten Carols with my dear sister. Well, technically we bought each of our tickets, but at least we got to go.

the ninth day of christmas

On the ninth day of Christmas, YouTube gave to me...

A flashback to my past while watching a Charlie Brown Christmas. There actually is a little bit of a story that goes along with it. My mom ordered a supposedly two foot tree from Amazon. once she opened the package and assembled the appropriate pieces, she found out it was not  a two foot tree, but rather a three foot spindly little tree, just like on a Charlie Brown Christmas.

the tenth day of christmas

On the tenth day of Christmas my non-existant true love gave to me...

A couple of really funny Christmas related jokes. (Doesn't quite fit the tune, but be creative.)

the eleventh day of christmas

On the eleventh day of Christmas my non-existant true love gave to me...

A wonderful version of O Come, O Come Emmanuel by Katherine Jenkins!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

12 days until christmas

Hello friends! I'm really struggling at keeping up on my blogging. My apologies... but finals are over and I survived my first semester in college with only minor bumps and bruises and here I am finally blogging.
Christmas is right around the corner and I wanted to do something fun to celebrate the holiday on my blog. So I decided that I'm going to count down the days to the wonderful holiday by posting something christmas, winter, or holiday related. But I obviously have a couple of days to catch up on, so here it goes. So yes, I;m aware that there are less than 12 days until Christmas, but the beginning is a very good place to start. (Kudos if you caught the movie quote.)

Honestly, it's probably true though.